Thursday 24 May 2012

Butlin's: The Ultimate Vintage Experience

A SHOP contingent visited Butlin's in Minehead this weekend and whilst there discussed (like you do) the awkward romance of the British seaside experience.  There's nothing quite like it really; the soggy chips, the slightly decrepit buildings, the businesses that defy logic, the murky brown sea - the Costa Del it'll never be, which is of course part of it's strange charm

Both us have spent many a childhood family holiday at Butlin's, Minehead included, but it no longer resembles the particular glamour of it's heyday.  You can see some ghostly remnants, like the old army barracks converted into accommodation, but it's mostly been completely modernised.

In the gift shop, we picked up these old postcards, taken when Butlin's was in it's ascendancy, which are AMAZING and show Butlin's as it used to be:

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