May was jam packed with exhibitions and June is no different, our little Arts Space has exhibitions coming out of it's ears. See below for what's coming up... We also have a sale coming up, and off the back of the Night of the Year we're shortly getting together with our neighbours to bring you more of the same, more regularly ... more on that next month.
SHOP will be closed for the Bank Holiday on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th June. Business as unusual from Wednesday 6th. SHUT HAPPENS OKAY!

Bristol Biennial
1st - 16th JUNE
12pm - 6pm
The Storytelling festival are hosting an audio-visual event in SHOP’s Arts Space for two weeks at the start of the June.
See the Biennial website for further information.
Advanced Students of Digital Photography – Group Show
21st - 23rd June12pm - 6pm
The second in the series of exhibitions from students of the City of Bristol College.
25th June - 2nd July
12pm - 6pm
Louie Maryon exhibits paintings and prints of Ashton Court.

28th - 30th JUNE
11am - 6pm
From Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th of June, SHOP is have a spring clean of stock!
We’re setting up a mountain of lovely vintage clothing in the Lounge and inviting you’all to come and fill a bag for just £5!
Ethical Suppliers!

Since SHOP became a C.I.C we have been trying to implement our ethos into each area of the company, including the suppliers of our services. Below is a list of our suppliers, all of whom are ethically led.
Phone and Internet
SHOP uses The Phone Co-op, who are run by people united by shared values, shared ownership and democratically made decisions. They are run and owned by their members.
SHOP uses Ecotricity, they use customers’ energy bills to fund the building of new sources of green energy. They like to refer to this as turning ‘Bills into Mills’ – energy bills into windmills. They are a not-for-dividend company – all of their profits go into their mission.
Banking and Insurance
SHOP uses The Co-operative
who believe that, in the years to come, the only truly successful
businesses will be those that achieve a sustainable balance between
their own interests, and those of society and the natural world. They
are one of only two banks in the U.K that are ethically led and don’t
provide banking services to industries such as arms dealers or
laborotories where animals are tested.
SHOP’s landlord is Bristol City Council who are a social landlord, meaning they value people over profit, unlike most private landlords.