Wednesday 9 January 2013

12 Days of SHOP Face Lift: DAY NINE

*Adopts best Geordie accent* Day nine in the no-bother-SHOP: Brett is in the lounge adding signage to the appropriate departments, Jayne has gone to the back room to sort out a curtain and SHOP-Dad is finishing off the electrics in the Art Space for the new heating.

The gold paint for the exterior arrived and so painting has also started. As well as all that, a new kettle was purchased for the Lounge; electrical points were added where once reams of extension cables slalomed amongst fixtures and fittings; some experimental lighting was trialed and the Zine Library found it's new home.

Things are coming together and now all the electrics are finished, the last couple of days are going to be all about the enjoyable race to SHOPify everything up until the Saturday deadline!

Heeeeeeeere's some pics:

Charming! The electrical tape strikes again

You don't have to be mad to work here, etc, etc

SHOP has the best electrician in the world!

The big window being repopulated again - YAY!

SHOP's paint of choice!

This is injury number four

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