Tuesday 8 January 2013

12 Days of SHOP Face Life: DAY EIGHT

Yes! Yes! Yes!  Today was finally the day when it felt like we'd 'broken the back' of the renovations, and not just our own, HA HA HA!  We are on the home stretch now (apart from the fact that because we just said that, obviously now some meteorite or something is going to hit SHOP in the night - yes, we are watching the BBC's Stargazing programme as we are writing this)

So, today we put up some signage, the heaters went in (yes, heating!) both to be finished up tomorrow, covered the stairs, built a display unit and the new furniture department is now almost in place.

Here's a few pics, although we still don't want to give too much away and spoil the final surprise...!

It's  LOLacaust renovating SHOP

More headless helpers

Oooh, what's this new addition then?!

Prettifying the stairs

SHOP: Now with a super toasty changing room!

Yay! The organ has finally been released from the prison of SHOP's 'back area'!  Wurlitzer Hour anyone?


  1. THIS LOOKS FAB! Can't wait to come and see the new Shop! Will there be an opening event? My boyfriend studies in Bristol and I've been telling him I need to bring him to Shop!

    1. Thank you!!! No time for a party before opening, but going to have an event to mark it at some point. Hopefully see you soon :-)
