Monday, 24 February 2014



Time is 'marching; on, ey? ey?  Don't forget to take advantage of us while we're still 'hare'!  Lots to share this month, creative writing and we are still looking for some of you talented SHOP-Club types to get in touch and get involved with some summer events!

In the meantime, the Take it and Leave Gallery has been very busy, with plenty of people creating art to add to our gallery and taking a piece in return to recompense themselves and also to keep the gallery living.

Here's some of your latest amazing addition (cue that special music):


4PM - 5PM

Have you always wanted to try creative writing but didn’t know where to start? Are you already a writer in need of some inspiration? Stuck in a rut with your usual writing? Come along to Imaginative Writing to free up your mind and get those pens scribbling! No experience necessary!

A one hour workshop in which you will learn different writing techniques and ideas to try at home. We will explore writing inspired by the five senses, writing intuitively, playing with language and learning to look at writing in a whole new way!

£7 waged / £5 unwaged – spaces are limited!

Contact Lauren via email or visit to book your place!


Plans for The Festival of Football Ideas during the summer are continuing apace!  The event will include talks, film screenings, live DJ soundtracking of matches and a short film night.  We are still looking for women speakers and other participants.  Please get in touch if that sounds like you!

May sees the return of The Bristol Festival of Photography (BFOP) and as in previous years we will be arranging the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter Night of the Year.  If you're a photographer and are keen to get involved in some way, then again, please do get in touch.

Monday Stock Blog: Make a House a Homeware.

Homeware is the stuff that makes where you live feel more than just like bricks and mortar ... unless you like homeware that's made out of bricks and mortar I suppose...

Here's some homeware that isn't made from bricks and mortar:

Blankety Blank
Take Me Out
Double Dare
The Price Is Right
Family Fortunes
The Crystal Maze
Supermarket Sweep
Just A Minute
8 Out of Ten Cats

Monday, 17 February 2014

Monday Stock Blog: It's Raining ...Men's.

Men, huh, what are they good for ... absolutely taking the recycling out. But at least if you dress them up alright they're bearable, just.

Here's some clothing that might facilitate the bearing...
Ski Sunday
Shrove Tuesday
Man Friday
Saturday Night
Tuesday Club
Thursday Island
Happy Monday
Business Time
Solving Crime
Lager and Lime

Spring Watch
Check mate
First Date
He's not with me
Mints with holes
Horsey games
Rhymes with rolo


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Valentine's Pressies at SHOP!

We know, we know - "it's a Hallmark day!"- "Capitalism at its worst!"  Blah, blah.  Don't get us wrong we're no fans of capitalism, or big businesses, but at the same time we just can't find anything wrong with a day that celebrates LURVE!  In all its myriad forms.

We need more love.

So, why no stick it to the man AND celebrate love by buying someone pressies from SHOP?  Recycled and going towards the running of the Social Enterprise - surely no arguments there?!

Well, you'll do what you want - and quite rightly too - but if you do wanna, here's what we have to offer at SHOP:

(Just) call someone to tell them you love them.
Make like the Spaniards do on 23rd April every year, and give a book as a token of love"

"Keep playing those love games with me"
Wear your heart on your sleeve.
And on your short sleeve
And on your head
And on 65% of your body
Everyone loves tea
Sorry, got confused. What day is it again?

Monday, 10 February 2014

Monday Stock Blog: Women's Clothing

We've a right good collection of women's clothing for you this week! 

They are so good, we want to keep them all ourselves!  Well, the female half of SHOP in particular...

Here they be:
Winter playsuit!
Looking to spring in this beauty
Smart cookie
We're getting married in the morning
Red devil
Lovely jumper!
What the blazers?!
90s classic
Bananas and knitwear, who knew such an amazing combination existed!