Wednesday, 31 July 2013

August Newsletter!

In case you hadn't noticed it's been quite a nice summer so far (forget the bit of rain recently) so much so that in a SHOP first, we've been getting our double door on - that's right there are now two gateways to vintage heaven!

In other news, we had to postpone the Summer Cinema of the Steps, due to that unfamiliar wet stuff that fell from the sky ... a lot, but no fear - a new date has been set, so if you had been unable to attend the first one, you can now attend this one can't you?!

But hang on, that's not all, no! - our hugely successful secret events continue (see below for the next one) with 'Secret Psychos'.  Turns out you Shop-Clubbers love a good secret! Naughty Shop-Clubbers!



Saturday August 10th

8pm onwards
(film will start as night falls)

If this looks familiar fro the last newsletter, it's because the July 27th date got totes rained off!

The date was postponed until the 10th August; same film, same time, same place.

And if you don't know what we're on about then here's the skinny:

SHOP, the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter and 20th Century Flicks have all teamed up to bring you a lovely summery open air cinema on the Christmas Steps!

Those of you that are familiar with what SHOP gets up to may remember that we screen photography stills and films, biannually for the Bristol Festival of Photography and to fill the gap between years, we have teamed up with 20th Century Flicks who will curate the event with their MASSIVE knowledge and love for films.

The bar will be provided by the Three Sugar Loaves and food from local micro-bakery, Tasty Mother's Tucker!

Keep your peepers on our blog and twitter for further info.



Thursday August 29th


  The lastest in SHOP's series of Secret Events is Secret-Psychos!

Join us on a psychogeographic tour of Bristol.

Send us an email to book your place and we will provide you with the *secret location* for the start of the tour

As always, the rest is a secret.

To book yourself in email us!


The Take It and Leave It Gallery

The Take It and Leave It Gallery at SHOP is now a month old!

In case you didn't know, the Lounge now occupies with whole top floor of SHOP and the arts space is a permenant living gallery, called
the 'Take It and Leave It Gallery'.

The idea is that you take a piece of art from the gallery that you like, and donate a piece in its place.  Within the lounge and gallery there is also an
area with art equipment permenantly set up from where you create art works to add to the living gallery on the spot.

The pictures are of some recent additions!

Monday, 29 July 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Men's and Women's Clothing Treasures!

This week we bring you more lovely Men's and Women's clothing, for all that the summer weather can throw at you!!

Here it be:
Stripy Goodness

More Stripy Goodness


Rock-On Tommy!

More cwoffee?


Born in the UUUUU-S-A!

Overall, we like this

Drop-waist pleated loveliness


HOT! Pink!


Monday, 22 July 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Every Bird Loves Their Own Nest Best

Yes, everyone likes their own nest best and it's nice to make that nest nice too.


Here's some homeware and furtniture that SHOP has just recently gotten its paws on...


Cwaffee to go!
SHOP provides all your party needs this summer - I mean, come on, where else would you find Cabbage Patch Doll hats, huh? Huh?!

Cwaffee to stay

Cocktail O'Clock

Your sewing needs sewn up

Stool Sample

Another view of the stool sample

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Summer Cinema on the Steps!

SHOP (Vintage Lounge and Arts Venue), based on the Christmas Steps and 20th Century Flicks Video Shop have arranged a summer film screening in the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter.

The screening will take place on the Christmas Steps themselves, as with previous events such as the Bristol Festival of Photography, as the Steps provide a natural amphitheatre perfect for such an event.

The bar will be provided by the 3 Sugar Loaves and there will popcorn and food available too from local micro-bakery, Tasty Mother's Tucker.

The genius film choice has been selected by 20th Century Flicks and will commence at sundown (around 10pm).

Hope to see you there!!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Men's and Women's Clothing!

We have some more mens and womens clothes for yer and this time they are actually pretty weather appropriate.

Here's a brief summary of our extensive summery stuff...

I've been around the world and i-i-i ... I found this baby!!

Pretend you're a Frat Boy - U-S-A! U-S-A!

My only vice is amazing vintage tee-shirts!

Beige is the potato to the meal of your wardrobe - a staple on which to build greatness!
Knit, ribbon AND lace - a smorgusbord of delights in one top!

*chewchewchew* what ya reading for?

Jackson Pollock was 'ere...

... And he left his shorts..

Short-suit alert!

Summer office wear that isn't from George? Go-on, don't be generic all your life!

Summer wedding planned? Or perhaps you just want to recreate the prom-scene from Virgin Suicides.

This hndbag is worth getting handbags over

Friday, 12 July 2013

The Sssshhhhhecond Secret Cafe...

Thursday July 11th - last night if you're reading this today :-) - saw the second coming of our all new secret raw food cafe!

To jog your memories: Diners register their interest by signing up to the monthly email and after receiving the date within and replying are forwarded the menu, the location and the secret password for entry!

Here's the latest (BYO) menu for our cyber stalkers out there...

Starter:Sunshine soup

Main Course: Micro-salad with stuffed mushrooms and summer salsa
Dessert: Apricot and raisin sweets
Keep your eyes peeled for the date of the next one ... this blog will self-destruct in 3, 2,1...

Monday, 8 July 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Season busting Mens and Womens Clothing!

Vintage clothing pays no respect to which season it is - though obviously we do have plenty of lovely t-shirts and summery things in - and this blog of a selection of our latest stock reflects that rather well.

While everyone is baking outside SHOP's stock has you covered for every eventualiy!

Here yous go...

Blue sky thinking-it-might-rain-though

Original Pakamac (sunburst sold seperately)

A nice LIGHT dark jumper

At last something summery!

We're on a roll!
Aztec a looksee
Well it was summery whiile it lasted.

I'd wear this year round wouldn't you? Why  not? Conformist!

Oooh! That's more like it!


There's wallets, but where's Gromit?!

Badges look good on summery things.

Shome shummery shoes.

That's more like it; 70s summery dress

Womens is definitely more summer friendly...



*Pussy Cat Skirt Claxon*

Now that's what I call summer!

Bit less so, but still very nice.

Ramping up to a big summer burst finale, nice!


(oh and super some handbags)