In other news, we had to postpone the Summer Cinema of the Steps, due to that unfamiliar wet stuff that fell from the sky ... a lot, but no fear - a new date has been set, so if you had been unable to attend the first one, you can now attend this one can't you?!
But hang on, that's not all, no! - our hugely successful secret events continue (see below for the next one) with 'Secret Psychos'. Turns out you Shop-Clubbers love a good secret! Naughty Shop-Clubbers!

Saturday August 10th
8pm onwards (film will start as night falls)
If this looks familiar fro the last newsletter, it's because the July 27th date got totes rained off!
The date was postponed until the 10th August; same film, same time, same place.
And if you don't know what we're on about then here's the skinny:
SHOP, the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter and 20th Century Flicks have all teamed up to bring you a lovely summery open air cinema on the Christmas Steps!
Those of you that are familiar with what SHOP gets up to may remember that we screen photography stills and films, biannually for the Bristol Festival of Photography and to fill the gap between years, we have teamed up with 20th Century Flicks who will curate the event with their MASSIVE knowledge and love for films.
The bar will be provided by the Three Sugar Loaves and food from local micro-bakery, Tasty Mother's Tucker!
Keep your peepers on our blog and twitter for further info.

Saturday August 10th
8pm onwards (film will start as night falls)
If this looks familiar fro the last newsletter, it's because the July 27th date got totes rained off!
The date was postponed until the 10th August; same film, same time, same place.
And if you don't know what we're on about then here's the skinny:
SHOP, the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter and 20th Century Flicks have all teamed up to bring you a lovely summery open air cinema on the Christmas Steps!
Those of you that are familiar with what SHOP gets up to may remember that we screen photography stills and films, biannually for the Bristol Festival of Photography and to fill the gap between years, we have teamed up with 20th Century Flicks who will curate the event with their MASSIVE knowledge and love for films.
The bar will be provided by the Three Sugar Loaves and food from local micro-bakery, Tasty Mother's Tucker!
Keep your peepers on our blog and twitter for further info.

Thursday August 29th
The lastest in SHOP's series of Secret Events is Secret-Psychos!
Join us on a psychogeographic tour of Bristol.
Send us an email to book your place and we will provide you with the *secret location* for the start of the tour
As always, the rest is a secret.
To book yourself in email us!
Thursday August 29th
The lastest in SHOP's series of Secret Events is Secret-Psychos!
Join us on a psychogeographic tour of Bristol.
Send us an email to book your place and we will provide you with the *secret location* for the start of the tour
As always, the rest is a secret.
To book yourself in email us!
The Take It and Leave It Gallery
The Take It and Leave It Gallery at SHOP is now a month old!
In case you didn't know, the Lounge now occupies with whole top floor of SHOP and the arts space is a permenant living gallery, called the 'Take It and Leave It Gallery'.

The idea is that you take a piece of art from the gallery that you like, and donate a piece in its place. Within the lounge and gallery there is also an area with art equipment permenantly set up from where you create art works to add to the living gallery on the spot.
The pictures are of some recent additions!
The Take It and Leave It Gallery at SHOP is now a month old!
In case you didn't know, the Lounge now occupies with whole top floor of SHOP and the arts space is a permenant living gallery, called the 'Take It and Leave It Gallery'.

The idea is that you take a piece of art from the gallery that you like, and donate a piece in its place. Within the lounge and gallery there is also an area with art equipment permenantly set up from where you create art works to add to the living gallery on the spot.
The pictures are of some recent additions!