Saturday, 31 August 2013

Secret Psychos: Review!

What can we say about SHOP's Secret Psycho event?  Not a lot actually, as if we tell you then it won't be a secret anymore will it?

Part of SHOP' 'Secret Series' (others include, 'Secret Cinema' and 'Secret Cafe'), this event took attendees on a psychogeographic tour of Bristol, taking in weird and wonderful sights that go unnoticed by most eyes.

Keep your eye on the blog, or sign up to the newsletter for future secret events.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Lorry Loads of Women's.

Yes, we know! We know! We've already got a hell of a lot of lovely women's clothing in at the moment ... well, now there's a lorry load more!

Here's a Tonka trucksworth of highlights:

Golden brown.


White and green will definitely be seen.

Hoop hoop hurray!
Red-y or not.

Shirt. Check.
Phwoaral Pt.1

V for victory.
Aztec best.

One shade of grey.
Black skirt, innit.

Striped 'un too, innit
Get shorty.

Phwoaral Pt.2
Lucky legs.


Button it.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Make your house a homeware museum.

We've got a few really nice homeware bits and pieces in this week. True dat.

Here's the pictoral evidence of the above statement, with supporting notes...

Proper retro cups them.
Backlit wanders.
Don't mind of I do.
Three-sy does it!
Shot through the heart and SHOP's to blame.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Jazz Hands!

This week we bring you, women's dresses and shirts, books, musical instruments, hats and a bit of variety show glamour!


HMS Pinafore

Ace print!

Check out the length of the collar!

For the skinnier gentleman

Books to enforce gender-roles

Girrus a tune!

Very Beret!


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Let's hear it for the homeware!

Another Monday (on a Tuesday) and we've got homeware for days! *Dustshouldersoffhumbly*

Here's some visual pleasure for your peepers...

Bowl me over.

Bits! Anybody? Yes!


Picture Perfect Pretty Plate!

Shots of the sites.

Tray. Men. Dus!


Cooking up a 70s storm
70s storm cooking accessories