Saturday, 30 March 2013

Exhibition: Flower of Life

Paulo da Silveira has been displaying his work on SHOP's art walls throughout March, the show was called 'Flower of Life' and explored the human figure in tessellation.

Paulo became infamous last autumn after inadvertently skateboarding through a Remembrance Day parade in the centre of Bristol.  The road had not been cordoned off and he was unaware that it was Remembrance Day.  As his art work extends daily to the outfits he wears, he was quite literally demonised by the tabloid press as he happened to be wearing horns which were then interpreted as devil's horns and thus as a insult to the parade.  Paulo was arrested and taken to court

Paulo's philosophy on life and art could not be further from the hate-figure he was made out to be.  'Exploring the human figure in tessalation' refers to his belief that we are all connected and should love and help one another through life.

Here's some pictures of the inimitable Paulo's exhibition at SHOP:

Monday, 25 March 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Here come the Men's...

The men's department, in its shiny new surroundings, as a result of the wall tumbling downess, was perhaps getting a tad neglected - blinding us with it's new resplendence. Fear not! we have now redressed this issue.

On account of the biblical weather we've experienced this past week, we've captured this selection of the new Men's two-by-two...

Getting all shirty...
Getting all checked shirty...

Getting all misc shirty...

Anyone four polo?

Here's the other two.

Troos + Jacket and troos = Troos and Jacket and Troos.

So, cool was he, he couldn't make any friends.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


On Saturday 30th March, from 11am – 4pm, the beautiful and intriguing Christmas Steps Arts Quarter, in keeping with its reputation for independent artisan traders, is hosting it's Easter Artisan Market on the unique Christmas Steps.

Come along for a lovely afternoon and experience the wonderful teetering charm of the artisans’ stalls cascading down the Steps, showcasing the high standard of beautiful crafts and wares – everything from cakes to taxidermy, original art works, handmade instruments and beautiful accessories, providing you with the perfect opportunity to pick up local, handmade and fully unique Easter gifts presents.

To celebrate Easter, there will also be an Easter egg hunt in and around the Christmas Steps and the artisans' stalls!  And if we can clear it with health and safety, some egg rolling too!

If that weren’t enough, there are many other artisan traders and businesses in this unique and beautiful site in Bristol’s city centre, as well as great places to eat and drink.

A busy Valetine's Artisan Market in February

When was the last time you took a walk down a different street?  The Christmas Steps Arts Quarter consists of eight unique streets in Bristol's old city, lined with independent shops, art galleries, bars, cafes and more than a few surprises, where artisans and creative traders work side by side to keep this diverse corner of Bristol as unusual as it's been throughout its long and intriguing history.


Monday, 18 March 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Sewing, Women's and Homeware

A few lady-like bits and pieces for you this week (get us!), some homeware and a big stack of amazing original 50s, 60s and 70s sewing patterns too!  Perfect excuse to dust of that old sewing machine and dink-dank-do-it-yourself!




We love these, though it seems a bit cruel to fill this cute little cow's head with his own offal!


There are all sorts of tasty goods you could house in this lovely bowl!


Monday, 11 March 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Women's, Men's, Dogs

It's Monday! That can mean only one thing ... five freakin days until the weekend!  But to get you through those days, here's a Monday Stock Blog from SHOP!

Erm, yes PLEASE!

Ewalda, the fluffy pen top - we may find ourselves unable to sell her.

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but you may be needing these for a few weeks more...

Greetings from Cyprus! Via SHOP.

This here is a men's waistcoat with bears on it ... bears wearing scarves!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Monday Stock Blog: Spring Themed!

Spring is nearly here, you can feel it in the air!  So this Monday Stock Blog is dedicated to SHOP's favorite season: yellow things, flowery things, floaty things, flying things and DIY things (well, it's time for a spring clean surely?!)

Floral sugar and creamer

Floaty Broidery Anglaise springiness

Spring clean your home ... by building your own sauna?!

Amazing pastel yellow bathroom vanity unit

Yellow and blue makes admirers green with envy!

It's yellow too


Baking WorkSHOP: Tasty Mother's Tucker

Saturday saw Tasty Mother's Tucker set up camp in the SHOP Lounge to teach us all how to bake and also to let us taste the tasty samples!

Tasty Mother's Tucker is a Bristol micro-bakery and on Saturday we were shown how simple, cheap and easy it is to make; mini-pizzas, bread, scones, foccacia and pasties.

SHOP is now also the order and collection point for Tasty Mother's Tucker.  You can now order bread, cakes, pasties, biscuits, or anything else on request, from SHOP before 6pm and collect the next day from 11am.  

Get in touch for more details, or come by SHOP and place your order now!

Here's some pics (and a quick vid!) from the WorkSHOP on Saturday

A Pasty! One end is savoury and the other sweet!

Filling the pasties


Waiting for the Tasty Mother's to show...

Bread, mini pizzas and some scone peeping in from the corner

Working the dough!