Tuesday, 25 October 2011


We've just received a little package of 20 or so Mens jumpers (although many of them I suppose you could regard as unisex), just in time for the start of Winter. Oh, got to go there's customers battering down the door...

Here some pics:

Monday, 24 October 2011


SHOP was very lucky to come across a rich seam of amazing dead-stock ORIGINAL 60s Chelsea Boots and Desert Boots for men and women.

Moments like these happen rarely in the vintage world, when what's hot in fashion is a vintage design and then somewhere like SHOP manages to find the originals! Not only does this mean they are The Ultimate, the quality is much better than the modern mass reproductions. Even the soles are leather!

Furthermore, we're selling them for £25 which is cheaper than their newborn cousins! We're salivating over them (it's good for the suede).

Monday, 17 October 2011


So Saturday was SHOP's 5th birthday! All our birthday parties have been along pretty much the same lines: childish and this one was no exception! We plied anyone who walked through the door with cake and sweets and Eddy played us some birthday tunes.

We had some lovely visitors and none lovelier than Danielle who bought us the crowning glory in any 5th birthday party: jelly and ice cream! Although this jelly was a bit special-er cus it was homemade cider jelly!

We're looking forward to our teenage years, so we can drink a ton of WKD, cry, then throw up, then cry again, then tell our parents they effed us up.

Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us, Haaaaappppy birthday ... oh hang on Eddy's playing Baker Street again.

What a loads of bunts.

Sugar, sugar and a bit more sugar.

Lychee cakes! They were yumtious.

What a mice party!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


You know what Monday's can be like, right? A bit lacklustre, not always conducive to mass inspiration or epiphanies. Well, that's how SHOP was hanging this Monday just gone. We were discussing new stock and we just couldn't find a way to have all the amazing things we wanted for our lovely customers and ended up just feeling a bit sorry for ourselves.

Well, as actual proof that life can change in an instant, that very evening, a miracle was performed for SHOP courtesy of our very own goddess, Lori MacAlpine-Smith of the super handmade-haven, Tenderfoot! Lori gifted SHOP enough stock to refill the whole place, which as you can imagine is a lot of stock. In addition to the volume, Lori has excellent taste, is a vintage-lover of the highest order and not only that, she is American! Which all combined means we were given volume, quality and rarity! She was immediately promoted to head-buyer and general Goddess of SHOP.

Anyway, we'll stop making Lori blush now and show you some pictures of said wonderful stock which is now available to purchase at SHOP!

Oh hang on here's a picture of Lori with a rat-tail to prove her commitment to all fashions now long-gone. Only the very best of people can sport a rat-tail with such beauty and grace!


American, Like Lori.

The sleeves zip off this beauty!


Awww, look at his little face! He needs to be filled with biccies!

You can now get a nice rinse and a set whilst browsing! Tassly lampshade also new.

This is just a small selection, there are plenty more clothes of all kinds, as well as bags, purses, accessories homeware and books too!

Monday, 3 October 2011


That warm Friday just gone, SHOP was taken over by Italian art collective Art For Love.

The show - AFL's first in the UK! - called 'East Meets West' exhibited the work of two photographers, Javier de la Varga and Micheal Goggioli, representing East and West respectively.

The photos were taken during Javier's and Micheal's trips around the world and documented two very different cultural experiences.

The photographs were really spectacular and the show was a proper treat. Keep your eye on these lot!

FFI: Website
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