Thursday, 9 December 2010

Christmas news...


As anyone who follows us on Twitter will know, it's been a leeeeeeeettle bit on the cold-side in SHOP during the big-freeze. Luckily for SHOP, however, we have some very kind family, friends and customers to keep the cockles of our hearts warm, even if our toes aren't. Not least, Gary Marshall who donated to SHOP two brand new oil filled radiators which undoubtedly have stopped us from getting hypothermia. Not only that, but Gary, as a local electrician, put up the Christmas lights on the Steps for nada! That means free in Spanish. He really is a hero, so we thought we give him a plug to say thank you. Here are his impressive crendentials:

Also keeping us warm with their delicious mulled cider and lighting up the area with good cheer, is the new Bristol Cider Shop at number 7 Christmas Steps! Not only are they are a great and very welcome addition to the Steps, one half of the shop is no less than a Mr Snowman, Mr Snowman of Christmas Steps. Ace.

And what of SHOP? Well, we are truly a Christmas SHOP, our decorations are spangly and we are doing our best to spread Christmas cheer, as we have plenty to go round, becoming very excited as we do at Christmas-time! SHOP is open on Sundays until Christmas, 12pm - 4pm and til 8pm on Thursdays. SHOP also has free tea, coffee and mince pies on tap throughout the month.

SHOP's monthly Artisan Market on the Steps, also makes a welcome return - due to demand from stallholders and customers - for a second Christmas Artisan Market on Saturday the 18th December from 11am - 4pm. There are over 30 stalls selling allsorts of beautiful handmade gifts and decorations. Perfick for unique and lovely pressies! PLUS, Father Christmas himself will be shacking up in his grotto in SHOP's arts space, for the kids and big kids alike to visit him for free!

Finally, SHOP's last exhibition of 2010 in the arts space from the 10th until the 14th December, is 'Jewellery Box', a selling exhibition of contemporary jewellery and crafts from several designers working with different mediums. They say, it is a great opportunity to pick up unique, special and affordable Christmas gifts and we are inclined to agree :-)


Thursday, 2 December 2010

Christmas Lights Switch On!

The Christmas Steps Christmas lights switch on was the perfect community event with the children and teachers from St Michaels on the Mount Without School providing a feast of festive carols for passers by and traders and residents to sing along with.

Mulled wine and Mince Pies (what else?) were handed out and the evening culminated in a countdown and the children plunging the official light switch!

The lights abandoned and left in a cellar in theArts Quarter have been repaired and put up by us at SHOP!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Christmas SHOP!

Couldn't resist showing off how puriddy SHOP looks this Christmas! Well, we can't let down our eponymous home now can we? And we don't want to risk being put on the naughty list either...


A Very Merry Month to you all SHOPpers!

Below is a festive diary of festivities to get you in the fiesta-ing mood for the most wonderful time of the year.

BUT! Before you start vigourously printing and memorising it, there are just a few announcements.

Christmas Hours

SHOP will have additional hours in December, as well as 11am - 7pm Monday - Saturday, SHOP will be open on Sundays in December from 12pm - 4pm. SHOP will also be open Christmas Eve from 12pm-4pm.

Christmas Closing

SHOP will be closed from the 25th December until the 6th January, reopening on Friday the 7th January at 11am.

Last Chance Saloon for Shop Club Gifts

If you are a SHOPper or a Hot SHOP Member and have not collected your birthday gift this year then December is your last chance. Come January we are making a bonfire of them all to keep warm.


Here at SHOP we absolutely ruddy love Christmas (so shoot us) and why not, we do live on the Christmas Steps after all, so December is an unashamed celebration of the joy of the festive season. There will be extended hours at SHOP, as well as plenty of events to get you in a celebratory mood. See the full weekly listings, below.


‘Christmas SHOP’
A SHOP Installation

All month SHOP will be decked up to the max. We’ve got two Christmas trees as part of the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter Christmas Tree Trail, as well as probably a few too many decorations. If that doesn’t melt your hearts of black stone, then we’ll also be stuffing you full of free mince pies and hot drinks all month long. And while you’re here grunting an admiring approval through a mouthful of mince pie, you can take a load off those weary shopped-out feet in SHOP’s comfy and welcoming Lounge.


CSAQ Christmas Lights Switch On
5.30pm – 6.30pm
The children of St Michael’s on the Mount will be serenading all with joyful carols, whilst the adults drink lots of mulled wine (to stay warm, kay?) and hand out mince pies before a local celebrity doesn’t switch on the official Christmas Steps Christmas Lights.

CSAQ Late Night Opening Until 8pm
Some of the very loveliest traders in the area (ahem, that means us) are opening late until 8pm on Thursdays running up to Christmas. Once you’ve shopped yourselves out, you can enjoy a discounted pint in the Urban Wood, even Scrooge would enjoy that.


Artisan Market 11am – 4pm
SHOP’s regular Artisan Market on the Christmas Steps. This month there are two and they are super-extra Christmassy! Both markets are sell-outs so be sure to come down and admire the wares of the local makers spread over 30 stalls!


SHOP Sunday Opening 12pm – 4pm
Throughout December SHOP will be open on Sundays to offer you an alternative to that capitalist sinkhole, Cabot Circus and all their equally unethical cousins.


CSAQ Late Night Opening Until 8pm
Some of the very loveliest traders in the area (ahem, that means us) are opening late until 8pm on Thursdays running up to Christmas. Once you’ve shopped yourselves out, you can enjoy a discounted pint in the Urban Wood, even Scrooge would enjoy that.


SHOP Sunday Opening 12pm – 4pm
Throughout December SHOP will be open on Sundays to offer you an alternative to that capitalist sinkhole, Cabot Circus and all their equally unethical cousins.


CineSHOP 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Trading Places
December wouldn’t be the same without a Christmas film! This year the choice was inspired by a Zine we read in our Zine Library. For a ‘wager’ on whether breeding or environmental factors are more important in determining character, two business tycoons engineer the 'trading places' of one of their young financial wizards (Aykroyd, in fine smug form) with a black low-life hustler (Murphy, at his most brilliant) and sit back to watch Murphy rise and Aykroyd fall in one of the very best Christmas comedies of modern times.


CSAQ Late Night Opening Until 8pm
Some of the very loveliest traders in the area (ahem, that means us) are opening late until 8pm on Thursdays running up to Christmas. Once you’ve shopped yourselves out, you can enjoy a discounted pint in the Urban Wood, even Scrooge would enjoy that.


Artisan Market 11am – 4pm
SHOP’s regular Artisan Market on the Christmas Steps. This month there are two and they are super-extra Christmassy! Both markets are sell-outs so be sure to come down and admire the wares of the local makers spread over 30 stalls!


SHOP Sunday Opening 12pm – 4pm
Throughout December SHOP will be open on Sundays to offer you an alternative to that capitalist sinkhole, Cabot Circus and all their equally unethical cousins.


FFI: Search ‘37th Chamber’ on Facebook

Film Night 7.30pm onwards
Saturday 11th November £2

A Christmas kung-fu classic from the arts space regulars.


Friends and Neighbours Meeting
8th December 6pm – 7pm FREE

FAN meets monthly at SHOP, the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm. FAN means, Friends and Neighbours and it’s a chance to meet to talk others in the community.


Natasha Almeida
Treasure: A Group Illustration Exhibition
24th November – 8th December 11am – 6pm

One person's junk is another's treasure. A magpie is one who compulsively collects or hoards small objects.
The work displayed for this exhibition will be diverse in style and materials used (painting, mixed media collage, screen prints and 3d work), but held together by a common theme.

Corinne Evans
Jewellery Box
10th – 14th December 11am – 6pm

Jewellery Box is a selling exhibition of contemporary jewellery and crafts from several designers working with different mediums.

It is a great opportunity to pick up unique, special and affordable Christmas gifts.